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Truman Page 4

  He escorted her up the sidewalk, his heart thudding strangely against his ribs. How petite she was. Even in heels, she just reached his shoulders. Why on earth hadn’t he noticed her potential back in high school?

  Why? Because he lost himself trying to impress Rhonda.

  He followed her upstairs. Once inside the apartment, Truman did a walk-through, searching the remaining rooms, peering in closets and under the bed while Katie stayed in the kitchen.

  “All clear?” Katie folded her arms.

  “All clear. But make sure the super changes the locks tonight. Understood?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m serious, Katie. We don’t know what this character might do. He has your driver’s license with your address on it and your house keys. Call me if the apartment manager doesn’t get it done.”

  “Are you trying to scare me?”

  “I just want you to be on guard.” He took a notebook from his back pocket, wrote his phone number on it. “Call me if you need anything.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Promise that you’ll call me if something comes up.”

  “I promise.” She took the note he extended and palmed it.

  He headed for the door.

  “Uh...” Katie raised a hand.

  Truman stopped and gave her his full attention. A timid expression crossed her face, and then right before his eyes he saw her change. Katie squared her shoulders and raised her chin as if mentally gathering her courage.

  “Could you stay until maintenance gets here? I can offer you something to drink. I’ve got soda and juice, and I think there’s even a beer in the back of the fridge.”

  He shouldn’t linger. Especially considering the way she made his blood race. But there was the possibility the mugger could track her down, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay until maintenance came to change the looks. Plus, he couldn’t stop thinking about the bashful teenager she used to be. He’d rejected her once; he couldn’t bring himself to turn down her request.

  “Sure. I’d love a soda.”

  Relief washed over her features, and she inhaled sharply. That was when he realized she’d been holding her breath, waiting for his response. He was glad he’d agreed to stay.

  Katie hadn’t conquered her shyness as thoroughly as she’d like him to believe, but whatever mental techniques she used to gather her courage worked.

  It touched Truman.

  “Please”—Katie waved her hand and smiled brightly—”make yourself at home.”

  Truman strolled into the living room and eyed the many bookshelves lining the walls. He wondered if she’d read all the books. Stepping closer, he studied the titles. An entire bookcase was dedicated to mystery novels from Agatha Christie to Arthur Conan Doyle to more modem works of fiction. He dropped his gaze, further scanning Katie’s reading preference.

  Psychology, true crime, a textbook on police procedure. Books about bounty hunters and private investigators and tomes on crime-scene investigation, poisons, weapons, and forensic medicine. Hmm, Katie Prentiss seemed well read concerning crime and law enforcement. She must be serious about embarking on a career in law enforcement. Before, he thought she was mostly joking.

  “Here you go.”

  He turned to find Katie standing behind him.

  “Root beer okay?”

  “Fine.” He took the glass she offered, taking great care not to graze her fingers accidentally. He was having a hard enough time keeping his head around her without touching her.

  She sipped from her glass, and he caught her peeking over the rim at him.

  “You’re really serious about law enforcement,” he said.

  She nodded.

  “How come?”

  “You’ll think it’s silly.”

  “No, I won’t,” he coaxed. “Tell me.”

  “Maybe some other time.” Katie shrugged. He could tell it embarrassed her, so he didn’t press.

  “I’m sorry about your purse,” he said, changing the subject.

  “Something good came out of it.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I got to see you again.” She met his eyes. All timidity disappeared from her expression.

  “It was nice seeing you again.”

  “I owe you, Truman West.”

  He shook his head. “No, Katie, you don’t owe me a thing.”

  “I’m serious. If you hadn’t intervened, there’s no telling what that mugger might have done.”

  “Patrolling the park is my job. I would have done the same for anyone.”

  “Does your job include giving errant bridesmaids horseback rides to a wedding?” Her blue eyes sparkled.

  “If the situation calls for it.”

  Her grin was infectious. She moved closer and took his hand. “I’m serious, Truman. If you ever need a favor, anytime, anyplace, please call me.”

  “I appreciate the offer.” He gulped. Her hand in his was warm and soft and oh, so enticing.

  “Promise?” she insisted. “I don’t want you to say it to placate me. I really mean it.”

  “I promise,” Truman said, knowing he’d never reclaim the favor. He wasn’t a man who kept a tick sheet of who owed whom. He gave because he wanted to, not because he expected anything in return.

  “Good.” Katie released his hand at last.

  Truman thought he would break into a cold sweat if she’d held on to it one second longer. There was lightning in her gaze, hot, quick, and direct. Katie was one sharp cookie. He’d do well to have her on his side.

  A knock on the door signaled the arrival for the maintenance man, who bustled in to change the locks.

  Truman waited with her until he’d finished, then he told her goodnight and left her apartment, taking the stairs two at a time and humming under his breath the Black Eyed Peas song, “I Gotta Feeling.”


  Three weeks later Katie lay on her bed reading a battered copy of her favorite Tess and Zack Dupree mystery, Cohorts in Crime. The villain was dangling poor Tess by her heels outside a six-story building while Zack was across town on a wild-goose chase.

  Katie was so enthralled by the story that when the doorbell pealed, she shrieked and tossed the book into the air. Laying a hand against her rapidly pounding heart, she crept to the window and peered through the mini blinds.

  A man stood on her landing with his back to her.

  Nice tushy, she thought.

  As if sensing he was being watched, the man turned.

  Katie’s breath caught. Truman. Here. Now. On her doorstep. And he was clutching her peach-colored purse.

  Her initial instinct was to hide. The feelings swamping her scared her that much.

  Come on, Katie, she chided in the voice she thought of as Tess Dupree’s. Don’t leave the man standing there. Go on, answer the door.

  Taking a deep breath, she ran her fingers through her hair to tame it, then pinched her cheeks to add color.

  The doorbell sounded again. She sneaked a quick glance at herself in the dresser mirror. rumpled-looking, but in a sexy, just-got-out-of-bed way.

  “You go, girl.” She put a smile on her face and hurried to open the door.

  Truman grinned at her. “Hi.”


  “May I come in?”

  “Oh, sure.” She stepped aside to let him enter. He smelled heavenly. His hair was trimmed neatly. Katie shut the door behind him and tried her best to extinguish the fireworks exploding inside her.

  “Found your purse.” He handed it to her.

  “Thanks.” She struggled to meet his gaze and discovered she couldn’t. She felt breathless, off balance. She ran a hand over the beaded bag and unhooked the clasp.

  “Unfortunately,” Truman said. “It was empty.”

  “That’s okay.” She quickly glanced up at him, caught those amazing hazel eyes, then just as quickly returned her gaze to the purse. “I already canceled my credit cards, and I got a new ID and cell phone.”
r />   “We caught the mugger.”

  “You did? That’s great.”

  “We recovered your purse in his apartment. You should have seen all the stuff he had in there.”

  “It must feel great,” Katie said.


  “Catching a criminal, closing a case.”

  “It does.” Truman shifted his weight. Silence fell over the room.

  She should say something. But what?

  Ask him out! Tess’s inner voice prompted. Be brave, be daring, roll in the moxie.

  “Listen,” they both said at once and then laughed together.

  “You go first,” Truman said.

  “No, you,” Katie insisted. Was he going to ask her out? Please let it be so!

  “I feel odd asking this.” He hesitated. “Maybe I shouldn’t ask it.”

  “Go ahead.” Katie held her breath. “I’m open.”

  “That favor you said you owed me—”

  “Yes, yes?”

  “I’m calling it in.”


  Truman looked uncomfortable. Was he asking her to do him a favor? Katie crossed her fingers behind her back and hoped. She’d jump at the chance.

  “You said if I ever needed a favor…”

  “Oh, Truman, anything. Anything at all. Do you need someone to do your laundry, clean your house, run errands?” Gosh, she was overdoing it. Dial back the enthusiasm.

  “Katie.” He gave her a perplexed frown. “Do you really think I’d take advantage of you like that?”

  Katie opened her mouth and almost told him he could take advantage of her anytime, anyplace, but instead, she heard Tess Dupree’s voice speak from her mouth. “Cowboy,” she purred, “I was hoping you had something much more fun in mind.”

  Truman blinked.

  Slapping her palm over her mouth, Katie rounded her eyes. The minute the words poured from her lips, panic flooded her system. How could she say that? Sure, she’d overcome her shyness by mimicking Tess Dupree’s outrageous behavior, but this was too much.

  She’d gone overboard. “I…I…didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  He grinned. “Uh, well, yeah, I’m hoping my proposition might be fun.”

  “All ears. Proposition away.”

  Damn it, Tess, stop taking over my tongue.

  Truman shook his head, and his grin widened. “You are not the same Katie Prentiss who used to live next door to me on Lee Street.”

  “I’m sorry,” Katie said. “That was too over the top.”

  “Don’t apologize. I find the changes hot.” He leaned casually against the wall and slowly, sensuously appraised her body.

  “You do?” Katie rubbed her throat with her palm.

  “Yes, ma’am, and if I weren’t here on business, I’d just offer a completely different proposition.”

  Katie wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Business?”

  “The favor I’m asking for. It’s job-related.”

  “Oh.” Why did sudden disappointment fill her chest with crushing pressure? “I see.”

  “You said you were interested in law enforcement, so I thought—”

  “Yes, yes. Why don’t we sit down?” She gestured at the couch. Her legs were wobbly, and she desperately needed to sit.

  Katie sat beside him on the couch, her knees primly crossed, her hands in her lap as she waited for Truman to continue.

  “Since we caught the park mugger, I’ve returned to my regular assignment in the fraud division.”

  “With the sheriff’s department?”


  Darn it! The man was so distracting with that irresistible masculine scent of his and those powerful thighs encased in tight jeans mere inches from her bare knees. Clearing her throat, Katie wished she was wearing something sexy instead of Capri leggings and an oversized T-shirt from her trip to Chicago for the annual librarian’s convention that read: Librarians Do It in The Stacks.

  Truman seemed to have his own trouble concentrating. He was staring at her legs.

  “Go on,” she encouraged, flattered at his expression, but also rather anxious about it.

  She didn’t know how to deal with those sorts of looks. Looks like that were one reason she’d kept her nose firmly buried in books for so many years. If she was busy reading, she never had to glance up and acknowledge that men now found her appealing. Disconcerted, she folded her legs up underneath her.

  “Sheriff Forrester called me into his office this morning and asked if I knew any pretty young women who’d be willing to go undercover on this new case we’re working.”

  Katie’s ears pricked up. “Case? Police? You’re asking me to go undercover?” She could hardly believe it. If she had one dream in the world—other than making love with Truman—it was to become an undercover detective just like Tess Dupree.

  “I’m offering you the opportunity—”

  “Yes. Sure. Absolutely. I’ll do it.” Katie shifted in her seat. “When do I start? What do I have to do?”

  “Hey, wait. Slow down.” Truman pushed his palms toward the floor. “You don’t even know what the assignment entails. Nor if you can get time off from your job.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve got tons of vacation days and sick time.” Katie hadn’t been this excited in years, maybe never. It felt as if fizzy bubbles were tracking up and down her spine, infecting her brain with relentless enthusiasm.

  “I’m only asking because this assignment should not involve any danger. It’s a pretty straightforward case, and the suspects in question have no history of violence. Believe me, I wouldn’t ask if I thought for one moment you might get hurt.”

  Disappointed, she wanted the thrill of danger. She ached to live life on the edge, to throw herself into this adventure body, mind, and soul. “I’m not worried about getting hurt.”

  “I am. We rarely ask civilians to assist in our investigations, but you said if I ever needed a favor, all I had to do was ask. Plus, you seem so interested in law enforcement, I thought you’d be a great choice.”

  “You bet I am,” Katie said, almost bouncing off the edge of the couch.

  “Besides, we need an undercover agent who is cover-model beautiful, and you definitely fit the bill.”

  “You think so?” She felt flattered.

  All those years of feeling ugly and fat and lonely and now being told she was cover-model beautiful? Everything she’d gone through had been worth it to hear those words come from the lips of the man she’d crushed on in high school. Two hours a day at the gym, eschewing cookies and cakes and pies in favor of healthier food. She didn’t regret a moment.

  “Don’t you ever look in the mirror, Katie Prentiss?” He shook his tilted head.

  “Well, sure I do, but I guess I’ve never outgrown my ugly-duckling self-image.”

  Truman reached over and took her hand. Katie thought she might faint from the wonderfulness of his touch.

  “You’re gorgeous, and you’re perfect for this assignment, but I still want you to fully understand this is a real criminal investigation.”

  “How come you need someone who’s pretty?” Katie couldn’t bring herself to say, “model beautiful.” No matter how gorgeous Truman said she was, Katie knew she was only a food binge away from her former self. Looks were fleeting. She knew that well.

  “Here’s the deal.” Truman fanned his fingers across his thighs.

  Katie studied his hands. They were strong and broad. Strong policeman’s hands.

  “There’s two men and a woman operating a scam modeling agency. They come into a town, attach themselves to fashion and modeling conventions, and find vulnerable young women desperate for modeling careers.”


  “They’ve gone under various aliases and change their appearances drastically from sting to sting. They offer a photo shoot, take the victims’ money with promises of work in a short time, then they simply skip town with the loot. They’ve scammed more than a hundred yo
ung women across Texas for over a million dollars. Their last spree was at an El Paso fashion show earlier this month. The sheriff’s niece got taken for twelve grand; that’s why he’s so hot to catch them. It’s personal.”

  “Hmm, so I’ll play the mark?”

  “Yes.” Truman nodded. “There’s a modeling convention in Fort Worth in two weeks. We don’t know for sure that’s where they’re headed, but it’s the soonest and nearest upcoming fashion event. We’re working in conjunction with the FWPD, and they’re willing to let us provide the manpower while they supply backup.”

  “Wow,” she said, bowled over.

  “The convention runs Friday through Sunday. Do you think you can get time off from your job?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  “Great.” He nodded. “So that we don’t look suspect, this is how the sheriff and the FWPD suggest we play it.”

  “How’s that?” She cocked her head, pulse still racing.

  “We’ll pose as husband and wife.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Had she heard correctly? Truman wanted her to masquerade as his wife? “Excuse me?”

  “I’ll play your ‘stage’ husband. In this scenario, I think you’re pretty enough to make it in modeling, but you’re reluctant. You’re a little shy and self-effacing. You don’t think you have what it takes.”

  “That’s the truth,” Katie mumbled under her breath.

  “There you go.” Truman pointed a finger at her. “You’re getting into the spirit.”

  “So, we’ll be going undercover together. You and me, playing husband and wife?” she asked just to clarify.

  “That’s correct.”

  “Sharing the same hotel room?”

  “Does that concern you?”

  Oh, yeah. Already perspiration had formed between the valley of her breasts, plastering her T-shirt to her skin.

  “Not if it doesn’t concern you,” Katie squeaked.

  Truman winked. “I can keep my hands to myself if you can.”

  “Uh...” She must have looked appalled because Truman quickly added, “Don’t worry. I made reservations for two beds.”

  Still, two nights alone with Truman West in a hotel room? It was everything she’d always dreamed of and more.